University of Nottingham

Who Partners the GTB?



The GeoEnergy Research Centre is grateful for the ongoing support of Schlumberger. 

Who is Schlumberger?

Schlumberger is the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide, employing over 95,000 people representing over 140 nationalities and operating in more than 85 countries. Schlumberger provides the industry’s widest range of products and services from exploration through production. Schlumberger products and services include commercial software embedding numerical algorithms for modelling and simulating various processes in the earth subsurface and specifically in the oil & gas reservoirs.

Why has Schlumberger sponsored the Geoenergy Test Bed?

The work of the GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) and our GeoEnergy Test Bed Demonstrator will support research that will lead to better understanding and simulation of subsurface fluid motion. This work will be directly applicable to the development of Schlumberger reservoir models for the oil and gas industries, helping to ensure greater usage of existing resources and enabling more effective hydrocarbon extraction.

As one of the world leaders in upstream oil & gas industry, Schlumberger activities and operations depend on a continuous supply of high quality graduates from the various STEM specialisations. The University of Nottingham is leading this effort to motivate and promote pursuit of geoenergy as a career path among students, and energy efficiency as a focus. The use of the proposed GeoEnergy Test Bed facility will supplement and reinforce graduates acquired classroom knowledge and, in addition, create a platform for research, which will positively impact on future collaborative work; hopefully resulting in advances in modelling that will be of benefit to the energy industry.

Schlumberger has donated multiple academic licenses to each of its software packages to University of Nottingham for use by GERC researchers in relation to the GeoEnergy Test Bed.



The GeoEnergy Research Centre is grateful for the ongoing support of the Corps of Royal Engineers.





Who are the Corps of Royal Engineers?

The origins of British military engineering can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxons kings but are normally considered as beginning with William of Normandy who brought his engineers with him when he crossed the Channel and seized the throne in 1066.  However the Corps of Engineers was born as an independent body on 26th May 1716 by Warrant of King George I and became the Corps of Royal Engineers by a Royal Warrant dated 25th April 1787.  The Corps of Royal Engineers are multi-skilled soldiers, engineers and tradesmen who provide military engineering to all of the British Armed Forces.

170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group is at the forefront of infrastructure delivery on operations.  Its headquarters at nearby Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell, is also home to 521 Specialist Team Royal Engineers (STRE) (Water Development).  521 STRE’s responsibilities are to provide specialist engineering support in the field of water abstraction, treatment, storage and supply, together with sewerage and sewage treatment.

Why have the Royal Engineers sponsored the Geoenergy Test Bed?

The work of the GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) and our GeoEnergy Test Bed Demonstrator will support the training programme of the Royal Engineers well drillers.  The Royal Engineers have supported the development of the facility for over three years as a mutually beneficial training opportunity.  This training will be directly applicable to field operations and supplement their existing knowledge and practical skills. 



GeoEnergy Research Centre
