University of Nottingham

How is the GeoEnergy Test Bed (GTB) Progressing?

In April 2015, Rushcliffe County Council approved planning permission for the creation of the GeoEnergy Test Bed on the University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonington Campus. This includes a set of characterisation boreholes and onsite laboratory facilities.

Work commenced on the GTB in July 2015 with the drilling of the first investigative borehole. There is a total of eleven boreholes, of varying depths, at the GTB.

The creation of the boreholes has been funded by the £2.5 million received from the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA). 



How did the GTB develop in 2016? 

June: Second near surface Soil Gas Survey

June-July: Drilling boreholes 2 and 3

July: Geophysical logging of boreholes

August: Passive Seismic Survey

September: Shallow Refraction Survey

September: Microbiology Baseline Survey

October: Downhole Imaging & Pumping/Recovery Test

November: Cone Penetration Testing

Nov-Dec: Drilling boreholes 4 to 8


Drilcorp Case Study: Drilling & Installing the GTB

Drilcorp Drilling Services were employed to drill both the shallow and deep boreholes for our GTB. They have chosen to showcase the GTB as a case study on their website. You can read the case study here and watch a time-lapse video of the drilling of a borehole.




GeoEnergy Research Centre
