Dr Bahareh Nojabaei
Assistant Professor in Geoenergy Engineering
Department: Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia Tech
Started at GERC: August 2016
Key Research Expertise:
- Thermodynamics of multicomponent mixtures
- Multiscale multiphase flow simulation in porous media
- Gas injection enhanced oil and gas recovery
- CO2 sequestration and green house control
- Underground resources recovery
Bahareh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering at Virginia Tech since August 2016. Bahareh is also an affiliated assistant professor with the GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) at the University of Nottingham. Before starting her position at Virginia Tech, she was a lecturer in the Petroleum Engineering Department at The University of Wyoming for one year. Bahareh Completed her PhD in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University in 2015. Prior to that, she received her MSc from Tehran Polytechnic University, and her BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 and 2006, respectively.
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Current Research:
Our research group is working on three types of numerical simulation tools at three different length scales with applications in oil and gas enhanced recovery and CO2 sequestration and underground storage. The field scale simulation tool is based on a compositionally-extended black-oil formulation, which can be used to model CO2 injection enhanced recovery in oil and gas shale reservoirs and is numerically stable and computationally efficient. Our pore scale simulation tool solves the detailed equation of state of multicomponent mixtures and is based on a fully-compositional formulation. We are also working on molecular dynamics simulation of oil, gas, and water in confined space to better understand the pore filling and flow characteristics of multiphase multicomponent fluids in the molecular scale.
- Nojabaei B., Johns R.T, 2016, Extrapolation of Black- and Volatile-oil Fluid Properties with Application to Immiscible/Miscible Gas Injection, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, vol.33, pp. 367-37.
- Nojabaei B., Siripatrachai N., Johns R.T, Ertekin T., 2016, Effect of Large Gas-oil Capillary Pressure on Production: A Compositionally-extended Black Oil Formulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 147, pp. 317-329.
- Nojabaei B., Hasan A.R., Kabir C., 2014, Modeling Wellbore Transient Fluid-Temperature and Pressure During Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing in Unconventional Reservoirs, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, vol.53, issue 03, pp.161-167.
- Nojabaei B., Johns R.T, Chu L., 2013, Effect of Capillary Pressure on Phase Behavior in Tight Rocks and Shales, SPEREE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 281-289.
- Nojabaei B., Kabir S.C., 2012, Establishing Key Reservoir Parameters with Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing, SPEREE, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 563-570.
- Nojabaei B., Mansoori Z., Saffar-Avval M., 2012, Heat transfer in Turbulent Liquid-Solid Flow Considering the Interparticle Collision Effect, Petroleum Science and Technology, vol.30, no.12, pp.1296-1306.