In April 2015, Rushcliffe County Council approved planning permission for the creation of the GeoEnergy Test Bed on the University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonington Campus. This includes a set of characterisation boreholes and onsite laboratory facilities.
Work commenced on the GTB in July 2015 with the drilling of the first investigative borehole. There is a total of eleven boreholes, of varying depths, at the GTB.
The creation of the boreholes has been funded by the £2.5 million received from the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA).
July: Drilling the first borehole
August: Electrical Resistivity Tomography survey
October: Near surface Soil Gas Survey
January-March: Drilling boreholes 9 to 11
January: Geophysical Logging of boreholes
January: Installation of on-site Laboratories and Office
March: Installation of on-site Core Container
June: Second near surface Soil Gas Survey
June-July: Drilling boreholes 2 and 3
July: Geophysical logging of boreholes
August: Passive Seismic Survey
September: Shallow Refraction Survey
September: Microbiology Baseline Survey
October: Downhole Imaging & Pumping/Recovery Test
November: Cone Penetration Testing
Nov-Dec: Drilling boreholes 4 to 8
Drilcorp Drilling Services were employed to drill both the shallow and deep boreholes for our GTB. They have chosen to showcase the GTB as a case study on their website. You can read the case study here and watch a time-lapse video of the drilling of a borehole.
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