GERC Facilities
GERC is in the privileged position to benefit from laboratory, modelling and field facilities at both the British Geological Survey and the University of Nottingham. In addition, we are currently in the process of designing and drilling the GeoEnergy test Bed, an Energy Research Accelerator facility, at the UoN Sutton Bonington campus.
Our wealth of available resources enables us to enhance our portfolio of collaborations, both academic and industrial, improve our breadth of capabilities and ensure our research remains world-leading, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale.
GeoEnergy Test Bed
BGS Facilities
UoN Facilities
Enabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe (ENOS)
The University of Nottingham (UoN) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) are both partners in the Enabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe (ENOS) project. A consortium, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, comprising of nine work packages of which UoN and BGS are involved in work package 3; managing leakage risks for protection of the environment and groundwater.
The project objectives of work package 3 are:
- Advance and validate surface and downhole monitoring technologies relevant to onshore storage, including for groundwater protection
- Improve understanding on the impacts of leakage and of potential leakage pathways (geological faults and boreholes) to enable a more effective monitoring strategy
- Produce best-practice guidelines for a monitoring programme that integrates the newly advanced ENOS technologies and techniques with state-of-the-art commercially available tools
- Real-life experience from field laboratories and sites where CO2 is naturally seeping to the surface utilised to realise these aims
The GeoEnergy Test Bed (GTB) is attached to work package 3 as a field laboratory. The GTB will be used to examine fluid flow through natural pathways in the subsurface, determine the most sensitive environmental parameters (e.g. in terms of impacts on groundwater, microbial life and flora at the site), improve the sensitivity of tools and develop low-cost monitoring solutions ready for deployment.