The GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) is a pioneering joint funded strategic partnership between the University of Nottingham (UoN) and the British Geological Survey (BGS). This partnership puts GERC in a unique position to offer world-leading research from a diverse range of scientific expertise. The collaboration brings together five research directorates from BGS with four academic schools from the UoN plus the Nottingham Geospatial Institute. The organisational structure of GERC can be seen in the flow diagram below. GERC comprises researchers, academics and PhD students who undertake multi-scale and multi-disciplinary research in all aspects of geoenergy. Our international partnerships with the Virginia Centre for Coal and Energy Research and the China University of Mining Technology ensures our knowledge and facilities exchange is truly global. Our co-location in the East Midlands provides ideal geology for the development of our Geoenergy Test Bed (GTB) which is intended to become a UK National Facility. This will provide an inimitable facility to deploy, test and improve sensor and monitoring technologies.
Find out more about GERC:
The British Geological Survey
The University of Nottingham
International Partnerships
GERC Invited Lecture Series
Current Research
GERC Facilities
Current and graduate PhD students
Contact Us
Read more on the BGS Research Directorates:
Read more on the UoN Faculties and Schools:
GERC undertakes collaborative research between the British Geological Survey and the University of Nottingham, as well as other organisations both in the UK and overseas, to enhance the transfer of knowledge and technology to a range of geoenergy sectors.
The close proximity of the University of Nottingham and British Geological Survey headquarters in Keyworth (10 minute drive apart) has established a unique and advantageous partnership through which staff, laboratory equipment, field facilities and most importantly knowledge can be quickly and cheaply transferred.
Our research is multidisciplinary and is funded from many sources including:
GERC collaborates with and is supported by:
Industries; Schlumberger, RSK, BP, Shell, E. on
International universities; Virginia Tech & China University of Mining and Technology
Other UK universities
UK Government organisations; Corps of Royal Engineers, dstl, The Coal Authority
D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
International Energy Policy Advisors
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